We will come back stronger than ever

5 min readMar 24, 2022

“But if we come under attack, if we face an attempt to take away our country, our freedom, our lives and the lives of our children, we will defend ourselves. When you attack us, you will see our faces. Not our backs, but our faces.” — Volodymyr Zelensky

“We will come back stronger than ever”


Thursday March 24, 2022

“It only takes a split second to smile and forget, yet to someone that needed it, it can last a lifetime.” — Steve Maraboli

“We will come back stronger than ever”

Ukraine will come back stronger than ever.

However, present circumstances are definitely not congenial especially with this scenario in Ukraine. It has been especially difficult for me to watch the news on so many platforms that display the inhumanity, carnage and destruction of people and country.

The same question always arises.

Why doesn’t someone do something about this terrible tragedy and its ongoing onslaught. At times, I have to shake my head and wonder how this can be happening in the year 2022.

However, I have to believe that there is always light when the darkness seems to pervade all.

There will always be a reason to smile in spite of present circumstances.

You need to find it by utilizing your inner eye of understanding. Our inner eye of understanding always supersedes our physical eyes.

We activate this inner eye of understanding with gratitude. Gratitude opens the funnel of life and unleashes the creative process in each one of us. For some, it has been dormant for many years. We fail to appreciate all the gifts that have been given to us unconditionally.

Essentially, we take them for granted. When this happens many of the present moment opportunities to smile go by the boards.

However, gifts of gratitude are all around us.

From time to time, we might have uneventful days that are filled with the what if questions. Suddenly as if from left field someone pops up with a lung machine or other handicap that causes us to wake up and appreciate what we already have in our lives.

It is this God Power of Gratitude consciousness that allows us to receive even more blessings in our lives. These blessings do appear in the form of disappointments, failures or unfortunate events.

They are in disguise.

Utilizing this inner eye of understanding creates the true blessings without the disguise as the inner eye of understanding supersedes our physical eyes.

A glass filled with dirt and water will remain intact until more clean water is poured into the glass and ultimately the water becomes clearer and clearer.

Gratitude that is coupled with an inner eye of understanding works in the same way. A more grateful attitude increases the flow of more blessings and the funnel becomes open and flowing with abundance and wealth.

Gratitude, inner eye of understanding and your self-talk are interchangeable.

It’s your journey and it’s your life. Be a sentinel to your self-talk 86,400 seconds of each glorious day and seize the opportunity to smile.

Look for it and let’s fill our hearts with the hope that this invasive madness in Ukraine will cease sooner than later.


“Smile” is a song based on an instrumental theme used in the soundtrack for Charlie Chaplin’s 1936 movie Modern Times. Chaplin composed the music, inspired by Puccini’s Tosca. John Turner and Geoffrey Parsons added the lyrics and title in 1954. (SMILE Source: LyricFind)

“Smile though your heart is aching Smile even though it’s breaking When there are clouds in the sky you’ll get by If you smile through your fear and sorrow Smile and maybe tomorrow You’ll see the sun come shining through For you

Light up your face with gladness Hide every trace of sadness Although a tear maybe ever so near That’s the time you must keep on trying Smile- what’s the use of crying You’ll find that life is still worthwhile If you just smile Oh that’s the time you must keep on trying

Smile what’s the use of crying You’ll find that life is still worthwhile If you just smile”

You’ve got this.

Carpe Momentum.

Franco Cianflone


Mental Toughness For Life Publication

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Copyright 2007



Certified Corporate Trainer, Educator, Business Consultant, Author & Entrepreneur.

Franco Cianflone is a graduate of the internationally acclaimed Bill Gove Speech Workshop with a Corporate Speaker designation. His extensive corporate training includes Bob Proctor, Paul Martinelli, and training seminars/sessions with Steve Siebold, John Maxwell, Les Brown, Tony Robbins, Mark Victor Hansen, and many others. He is the author of sixteen books to date and co-founder of Mini Bytes For The Brain.

Fifty years of Education and Business leadership compliments his mission to transform and catapult the results of individuals everywhere on the globe as far as Australia. His life mantra is, “Others will be looking at the fire while you are walking through the fire towards your victory and success”.

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Franco Cianflone (Piano Easy Listening, Pop and Jazz)

Franco Cianflone Music For Life

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Learning & Development Specialist, Author, musician, composer FRANCO CIANFLONE B.S. Ed. M. Ed. CS IACS MENTAL TOUGHNESS FOR LIFE PUBLICATION (USA) c2007