We will come back stronger than ever

4 min readApr 22, 2020

“Make a decision to be persistent in spite of present circumstances now, so you can create a resilient comeback later.” Franco Cianflone


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“Rewire your brain & catapult your results in life and business.”
“Rewire your brain & catapult your results in life and business.”

Persistence now leads to resilience later April 23, 2020

“We’ve all got the stuff about us that we just don’t understand. Did you ever think that maybe you were in the wrong line when God was handing stuff out and you just kind of wondered what happened?” — Joyce Meyer

You are perfect just the way you are.

No one in this universe has your DNA.

Stop this nonsense of comparing yourself to anyone else on the planet.

Grab a hold of yourself.

They can’t even come close.

When you believe this with your entire body, mind and spirit the essence of who you really are exudes into your outer world. As a result, people want to be around you and they want to follow you because they want to and not because they have to.

In order to get rid of the naysayers and believe that you can do it, you must persist in spite of present circumstances.

This persistence stuff is developed.

You don’t find it in a drink or medication.

You dig down deep within your inner core and do whatever you must do in order to take you to your destination.

How do I do this?

You read, listen, walk, jog, pray, intend, believe in yourself until you break the barrier.

If it were easy, everyone on the planet would do what you want to do with your life or business.

How do I break the barrier of resistance?

You do this with persistence.

Make persistence a daily activity until it becomes a habit. When there are supposed obstacles in your ways simply say next.

Next! Next! Next!

Ultimately, you develop such resilience that issues automatically go into their respective boxes. As a result, compartmentalization is very effective and allows one to move forward and Godward.

Is this easy?

Not in your life!

This takes persistent, proactive, and incredible faith in yourself that you can do it.

So here it is again.

Implant the following into your brain and begin living.

Get rid of the naysayers & believe that you can do it.

These people are everywhere.

They are piranhas in your midst.

They love to kill your dream, your goal, or your aspiration.

I am not telling you not to do your homework.

Do your research.

Investigate all options.

After it’s all said and done, you need to make a decision.

Not making a decision is making a decision.

Make a decision to be persistent in spite of present circumstances now, so you can create a resilient comeback later.

Franco Cianflone


Carpe Momentum

Mental Toughness For Life

Copyright 2020


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Learning & Development Specialist, Author, musician, composer FRANCO CIANFLONE B.S. Ed. M. Ed. CS IACS MENTAL TOUGHNESS FOR LIFE PUBLICATION (USA) c2007