The only one that can stop you is . . .
“You shouldn’t focus on why you can’t do something, which is what most people do. You should focus on why perhaps you can, and be one of the exceptions.” — Steve Case
FRANCO CIANFLONE B.Sc. Ed. M. Ed. LSC CS MENTAL TOUGHNESS FOR LIFE Certified Corporate Trainer, Educator, Business Consultant, Author & Entrepreneur.
Franco Cianflone is a graduate of the internationally acclaimed Bill Gove Speech Workshop with a Corporate Speaker designation. His extensive corporate training includes Bob Proctor, Paul Martinelli, and training seminars/sessions with Steve Siebold, John Maxwell, Les Brown, Tony Robbins, Mark Victor Hansen, and many others. He is the author of sixteen books to date and co-founder of Mini Bytes For The Brain.
Fifty years of Education and Business leadership compliments his mission to transform and catapult the results of individuals everywhere on the globe as far as Australia. His life mantra is, “Others will be looking at the fire while you are walking through the fire towards your victory and success”.
Obstacles can’t stop you.
Problems can’t stop you.
Most of all other people can’t stop you.
The only one that can stop you is yourself.
Actually, your biggest obstacle in your life might just end up being your purpose.
In order to connect with your purpose, renew your vow to yourself to be the very best version of yourself every single day.
There will always be people that will criticize you along your quest towards your success but you must not allow their influence to sway you from your chosen path.
These naysayers would never even think of leaving their comfort zone but you have.
Allow the masterpiece that was created within you to emerge victoriously.
Be the champion that you were created to be.
You do have what it takes as there are always possibilities.
Life always gives you a second chance.
How do you get a second chance?
How does life give you a second chance?
You strategically move from your X to your Y.
How do you get from X to Y?
It’s really child’s play.
You simply erase all the stuff that doesn’t work as in the illustration above. However, if everyone keeps moving my eraser, how am I supposed to erase all the stuff that doesn’t work?
Are people in your life continually moving your eraser?
If you notice the Y above, Y is part of the X. All that you have to do is to grab your eraser and start erasing anything that has to do with the X. As you do this, the Y appears and everything in your life is better, clearer and more manageable.
In my book Slay Your X Factor And Win For Life, I stated that Your own personal X factor is anything that immobilizes, derails or prevents you from growing intellectually, emotionally, spiritually, physically or financially .
Your Y is anything that you want to be, do or have more in your life.
Let’s talk about erasing the stuff that doesn’t work in your life thus allowing that inner Y to appear.
Its appearance will manifest into incredible, joyous and Godsome happenings in your life.
The more that you understand this concept, the more that your own personal Y will show up right on schedule.
Your own personal Y is synonymous with second chances in life. Many well-intentioned people suffer hardships that are not easy to overcome but they remain stuck as no one ever taught them to pick up their eraser and start erasing part of the X that hides their inner Y.
Everyone was endowed at birth with this inner Y. I never knew this until I was taught this invaluable information that has altered the direction of my life proactively.
As soon as you understand this XY concept, second chances will begin to show up and you will be pleasantly surprised.
Are you ready?
Pick up your eraser and let’s get moving.
Onward and Godward so your life can begin to be more Godsome.
Franco Cianflone Mental Toughness For Life Podcast
Franco Cianflone (Piano Easy Listening, Pop and Jazz)
Franco Cianflone Music For Life
Franco Cianflone Books
Franco Cianflone Mental Toughness For Life Newsletter
Franco Cianflone
Mental Toughness For Life Publication
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