Ask yourself

4 min readMar 6, 2022

“If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.”– Albert Einstein

“Ask yourself”


Sunday March 6, 2022

“Love the life you have while you create the life of your dreams”. — Hal Elrod

“Ask yourself”

Don’t give your thermostat away easily as this determines your emotional well-being. Control your emotional thermostat so no one is able to manipulate you with nonsense drama.

You control how you respond and not react to the onslaught of verbiage that is absolutely out of control. The senders have lost control of their thermostat long ago.

So, here are some questions.

What are you doing the rest of your life as this current worldwide pandemic has almost run its course?

Will you go back to the status quo in your life and/or business?

Will you hang out with the same circle of people or are you going to reach out to different people that will inspire you and raise you up?

Will you begin a brand-new adventure as now you realize that life is incredibly fragile?

Will you begin to be the sentinel for your thoughts, feelings, and actions that ultimately create your results?

Will you write that book, take that course, start a new career, sing, dance, and act or do whatever your heart desires?

Will you begin to envision the potential of that beautiful, important, worthy, talented, and unique individual that resides within?

Will you begin to look at all the possibilities that are expressed as solutions when problems or issues arise?

Will you begin to create more time for meaningful relationships, wholesome communication, and being the lighthouse in someone’s life?

Will you begin to create a daily regimen that will promote growth intellectually, emotionally, spiritually, and physically?

What will you do with the rest of your life knowing that you are now absolutely in control of your thermostat?

If these questions resonate with you, write your answers when the time is right for you.

A recent recording of my arrangement of “What are you doing the rest of your life?” by Michel Legrand is located below:

“Ask yourself”

The music is reflective in nature and it will hopefully assist you in your quest.

You’ve got this and all the answers.

Carpe Momentum.

Franco Cianflone


Mental Toughness For Life Publication

Copyright Disclosure

All rights reserved

Copyright 2007



Certified Corporate Trainer, Educator, Business Consultant, Author & Entrepreneur.

Franco Cianflone is a graduate of the internationally acclaimed Bill Gove Speech Workshop with a Corporate Speaker designation. His extensive corporate training includes Bob Proctor, Paul Martinelli, and training seminars/sessions with Steve Siebold, John Maxwell, Les Brown, Tony Robbins, Mark Victor Hansen, and many others. He is the author of sixteen books to date and co-founder of Mini Bytes For The Brain.

Fifty years of Education and Business leadership compliments his mission to transform and catapult the results of individuals everywhere on the globe as far as Australia. His life mantra is, “Others will be looking at the fire while you are walking through the fire towards your victory and success”.

Franco Cianflone Mental Toughness For Life Podcast

Franco Cianflone (Piano Easy Listening, Pop and Jazz)

Franco Cianflone Music For Life

Franco Cianflone Books

Franco Cianflone Mental Toughness For Life Newsletter


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While the designers, contributors, and author have used their best efforts in preparing this publication, they make no warranty or representation with respect to accuracy or completeness of the contents of this material and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability, finances, personal or medical remedy for a particular purpose. It is further acknowledged that no warranty, of any kind, may be created or extended by any written sales materials or sales representatives.

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Learning & Development Specialist, Author, musician, composer FRANCO CIANFLONE B.S. Ed. M. Ed. CS IACS MENTAL TOUGHNESS FOR LIFE PUBLICATION (USA) c2007