An all-time necessary fuel of life

5 min readDec 26, 2021

“Courage does not always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, ‘I will try again tomorrow.’”— Mary Anne Radmacher

“An all-time necessary fuel of life”

“What oxygen is to the lungs; such is hope to the meaning of life” — Emil Brunner

“An all-time necessary fuel of life”

Hope is the necessary fuel that propels your life towards events and circumstances that you desire and deserve.

Hope also ignites powerful ideas that begin as a fantasy; moves into a theory and ultimately manifests itself into a fact.

This ingredient alone provides you with more energy, more passion, and more determination.

Simply more of everything in order to accomplish what you want!

If you’re breathing, you must possess a belief system of attitudes and values that are continually evolving

Without hope, one is barely existing.

Sometime ago, I met an individual that was being treated with an experimental drug for stage four cancer. He mentioned that he didn’t have much faith in the drug and its possibility of slowing down the cancer before it’s too late.

I said, “What happens when everyone tells you to fold your suitcase and go home and die?” He replied, “Don’t be offended but I don’t believe in religion or God.”

I said, “I’m not referring to religion but rather a spiritual awareness of something greater than all of us.”

Before I left, I said to him, “Do you believe in hope?”

After that last question, there was a still calmness in the air.

There is a key to all of this and President Franklin D. Roosevelt who served as the 32nd president of the United States from 1933 until his death in 1945 stated the following.

“Men are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of their own minds.”

There is only one key with the correct configuration that can open the front door of your home, office or car.

The identical principle works with all of your results good, bad or indifferent.

The configuration has to match the expected outcome.

Any deviation whatsoever from this configuration, will derail, immobilize and frustrate any sane individual that is attempting to move forward with his life or business.

It’s like playing Russian roulette with your life or business.

Create a picture so pristine that there is no question whatsoever what the intended outcome will be.

Let me ask you a question right now.

What color is your front door?

You probably answered this question with lightning speed but this is what actually happens when your picture is crystal clear according to Bob Proctor.

When I asked you to think of your front door, I activated vocal cords.

I set up a sound. It’s a light message.

Your hearing sense picked it up and that light message went screaming down a nerve passageway and struck a group of cells in your brain (cells of recognition).

Those cells increased in amplitude of vibration and the picture that’s in them flashed on the screen of your mind.

It’s not rocket science.

Do this with determination, perseverance and resolve and watch what happens in your life.

Carpe Momentum.



Certified Corporate Trainer, Educator, Business Consultant, Author & Entrepreneur.

Franco Cianflone is a graduate of the internationally acclaimed Bill Gove Speech Workshop with a Corporate Speaker designation. His extensive corporate training includes Bob Proctor, Paul Martinelli, and training seminars/sessions with Steve Siebold, John Maxwell, Les Brown, Tony Robbins, Mark Victor Hansen, and many others. He is the author of sixteen books to date and co-founder of Mini Bytes For The Brain.

Fifty years of Education and Business leadership compliments his mission to transform and catapult the results of individuals everywhere on the globe as far as Australia. His life mantra is, “Others will be looking at the fire while you are walking through the fire towards your victory and success”

Franco Cianflone Mental Toughness For Life Podcast

Franco Cianflone (Piano Easy Listening, Pop and Jazz)

Franco Cianflone Music For Life

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Mental Toughness For Life Publication

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Learning & Development Specialist, Author, musician, composer FRANCO CIANFLONE B.S. Ed. M. Ed. CS IACS MENTAL TOUGHNESS FOR LIFE PUBLICATION (USA) c2007